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Yandex Announces Third Quarter 2023 Financial -7-

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DJ Yandex Announces Third Quarter 2023 Financial Results

Yandex N.V. 
Yandex Announces Third Quarter 2023 Financial Results 
27-Oct-2023 / 12:00 MSK 
The issuer is solely responsible for the content of this announcement. 
Yandex Announces Third Quarter 2023 Financial Results 
AMSTERDAM, the Netherlands, October 27, 2023 -- Yandex (NASDAQ and MOEX: YNDX), a Dutch public limited company and one 
of Europe's largest internet businesses, today announced its unaudited financial results for the third quarter ended 
September 30, 2023. 
Q3 2023 Financial and Operational Highlights1,2 
In RUB millions                           Three months ended September 30 
                                  2022    2023    Change 
                 Total Revenues           133,163   204,769  54% 
                 Total Adjusted EBITDA       20,003   26,528   33% 
Total Group           Total Adjusted EBITDA margin, %   15.0%    13.0%    -2.0 pp 
                 Net income             45,541   7,681   -83% 
                 Adjusted Net Income        5,009    3,366   -33% 
                 Share of Russian search market, % 62.0%    62.6%    0.6 pp 
                 Search share on Android, %    61.9%    62.5%    0.6 pp 
                 Search share on iOS, %      48.3%    49.8%    1.5 pp 
Search and            Revenues              61,151   90,442   48% 
Portal              Ex-TAC revenues          50,481   74,169   47% 
                 Adjusted EBITDA          34,635   47,021   36% 
                Adjusted EBITDA margin, %      56.6%    52.0%    -4.6 pp 
                 Revenues              63,448   107,240  69% 
E-Commerce, Mobility       GMV of Mobility3          198,041   298,951  51% 
 and Delivery           GMV of E-commerce4         72,465   121,154  67% 
                 GMV of other O2O services5     47,001   83,952   79% 
                 Total Adjusted EBITDA/(loss)    (2,668)   (4,483)  68% 
Plus and Entertainment Services  Yandex Plus subscribers, MM    15.8    25.8    63% 

(1) Pursuant to SEC rules regarding convenience translations, Russian ruble (RUB) amounts have been translated into U.S. dollars in this release at a rate of RUB 97.4147 to USD1.00, the official exchange rate quoted as of September 30, 2023 by the Central Bank of the Russian Federation.

(2) The following measures presented in this release are “non-GAAP financial measures”: ex-TAC revenues, adjusted EBITDA, adjusted EBITDA margin and adjusted net income. Please see the section “Use of Non-GAAP Financial Measures” below for a discussion of how we define these measures, as well as reconciliations at the end of this release of each of these measures to the most directly comparable U.S. GAAP measures.

(3) GMV (or gross merchandise value) of Mobility is defined as the total amount paid by customers for ride-hailing, car-sharing and scooters rent services booked through our platform, including VAT.

(4) GMV of E-commerce is defined as the value of all merchandise sold through our Yandex Market marketplace and Yandex Lavka as well as the value of products sold through Yandex Eats and Market Delivery grocery service (delivered and paid for), including VAT.

(5) GMV of other O2O (online-to-offline) services includes the total amount paid by customers and partner businesses for Yandex Delivery and Yandex Fuel services, the value of orders delivered through the Yandex Eats and Market Delivery food delivery services, Lavka Israel, and several other smaller O2O experiments, including VAT.

Financial outlook

Given that uncertainty concerning future geopolitical developments and the macro environment remains high, our visibility over the short- and medium-term is limited and we remain unable to provide any forward-looking expectations at this stage. We aim to remain transparent about the current performance and key trends across our businesses.

Corporate and Subsequent Events

— Yandex’s Board of Directors remains fully committed to the goal of completing the proposed corporaterestructuring and the divestiture of the company’s core businesses, including all Russia-based businesses.We have taken a number of important, concrete steps to prepare for the consummation of the proposed divestiture,including receiving consent from the Class A shareholders for the Board to undertake preparatory corporaterestructuring steps, i.e., the merger of certain intermediate Dutch holding companies into Yandex N.V. The companyhas also obtained one of the required approvals from the Government Commission for Control over Foreign Investmentsin the Russian Federation of the internal restructuring of the group, which is a pre-requisite for the divestiture.We have also made progress towards completing other necessary steps of our corporate restructuring plan.The proposed restructuring would be subject to further shareholder approval (including separate approval by ourClass A shareholders), and the company continues to aim to bring a restructuring proposal to shareholders forapproval by the end of this year.

— Neither Yandex N.V. nor any of its group companies is a target of sanctions in the United States,European Union, Switzerland or United Kingdom, and the Yandex group is not owned or controlled by any persons whohave been designated under such sanctions. In July 2023, our “Yandex Pay” subsidiary was designated in Canada; suchdesignation does not apply to Yandex N.V. or its other group companies or operations. Yandex continues to closelymonitor developments in this regard.

Impact of the current geopolitical crisis

Ongoing geopolitical tensions and their impact on the Russian and global economy have created a challenging environment for our business, team and shareholders.

These developments have adversely impacted (and may in the future materially adversely impact) the macroeconomic climate in Russia, resulting in volatility of the ruble, including significant recent devaluation, currency controls, increased interest rates and inflation and a potential contraction in consumer spending, as well as the withdrawal of foreign businesses and suppliers from the Russian market. In addition, laws or regulations may be adopted that may adversely affect our non-Russian shareholders and the value of the shares they hold in our company. We provided detailed information on our risk exposure and possible adverse impacts on our businesses in our Annual Report on Form 20-F for the year ended December 31, 2022, which was filed on April 20, 2023.

We continue to provide services to our users and partners with no interruptions. We are taking appropriate measures to consider our capital allocation and budget appropriately during this period of uncertainty, while remaining committed to continue investing in the development of our key businesses and services. We are closely monitoring sanctions and export control developments as well as the macroeconomic climate and consumer sentiment in Russia and we are assessing contingency plans to address potential developments. Our Board and management are focused on the wellbeing of our almost 26,000 employees in Russia and abroad, while doing everything we can to safeguard the interests of our shareholders and other stakeholders.

Consolidated Results

The following table provides a summary of our key consolidated financial results for the three and nine months ended September 30, 2022 and 2023:

In RUB millions    Three months ended September 30,  Nine months ended September 30, 
            2022     2023     Change  2022    2023    Change 
Revenues        133,163   204,769   54%    356,921   550,539  54% 
Ex-TAC revenues     123,940   190,100   53%    334,216   512,124  53% 
Income from operations 10,797    12,084   12%    7,109    25,548   259% 
Adjusted EBITDA     20,003    26,528   33%    46,968   64,068   36% 
Net income       45,541    7,681    -83%   40,560   28,097   -31% 
Adjusted net income   5,009    3,366    -33%   10,019   15,583   56% 

Our segment disclosure is provided in the Segment financial results section below.

Cash and cash equivalents as of September 30, 2023:

— RUB 85.4 billion (USD876.8 million) on a consolidated basis.

Segment financial results

Search & Portal

Our Search and Portal segment includes Search, Geo, Weather and a number of other services offered in Russia, Belarus and Kazakhstan. Key operational trends:

— Share of Russian search market, including mobile, averaged 62.6% in Q3 2023, up 0.6 pp from 62.0% in Q32022 and seasonally down from 63.6% in Q2 2023, according to Yandex Radar

— Search share on Android in Russia was 62.5% in Q3 2023, up 0.6 pp from 61.9% in Q3 2022 and seasonallydown from 63.4% in Q2 2023, according to Yandex Radar

— Search share on iOS in Russia was 49.8% in Q3 2023, up 1.5 pp from 48.3% in Q3 2022 and stable comparedto 49.7% in Q2 2023, according to Yandex Radar

(MORE TO FOLLOW) Dow Jones Newswires

October 27, 2023 05:00 ET (09:00 GMT)

DJ Yandex Announces Third Quarter 2023 Financial -2-

— Mobile search traffic was 70.8% of our total search traffic in Q3 2023. Mobile revenues represented 62.9%of our search revenues in Q3 2023

In RUB millions    Three months ended September 30,  Nine months ended September 30, 
            2022    2023    Change    2022    2023    Change 
Revenues        61,151   90,442   48%     156,163  236,403  51% 
Ex-TAC revenues    50,481   74,169   47%     130,021  193,984  49% 
Adjusted EBITDA    34,635   47,021   36%     83,637   122,745  47% 
Adjusted EBITDA margin 56.6%   52.0%   -4.6 pp   53.6%   51.9%   -1.7 pp 

Revenues increased by 48% and Ex-TAC revenues grew by 47% year-on-year in Q3 2023. This growth was mainly driven by the solid performance of our core search business and the Yandex Advertising Network on the back of our investments in the expansion of advertising inventory, along with development and efficiency improvements of our ad-products and technologies.

Adjusted EBITDA margin came to 52.0% in Q3 2023 compared with 56.6% in Q3 2022. The solid margin mainly reflects a positive operating leverage effect on the back of strong ad revenue growth, while the year-on-year dynamic is driven by an increase in personnel as well as marketing and advertising expenses from the low base of last year. E-commerce, Mobility and Delivery The E-commerce, Mobility and Delivery segment includes our transactional O2O businesses, which consist of (i) the mobility businesses, including ride-hailing in Russia and other countries across CIS and EMEA, Yandex Drive, our car-sharing business, and scooters; (ii) the E-commerce businesses in Russia and CIS, including Yandex Market, our multi-category e-commerce marketplace, Yandex Lavka Russia, our hyperlocal convenience store delivery service, and the grocery delivery services of Yandex Eats and Market Delivery (acquired in September 2022 and previously known as Delivery Club); and (iii) our other O2O businesses, including Yandex Delivery, our last- and middle-mile logistics solution for individuals, enterprises and SMB; Yandex Eats and Market Delivery, our ready-to-eat delivery from restaurants services; Lavka Israel, our hyperlocal convenience store delivery service; and Yandex Fuel, our contactless payment service at gas stations, and several smaller experiments. Key operational trends:

— Total E-Commerce GMV increased by 67% year-on-year in Q3 2023

Yandex Market

— The share of GMV sold by third-party sellers on our Yandex Market marketplace reached 87% in Q3 2023compared to 82% in Q3 2022

— Marketplace’s assortment was 58.5 million SKUs as of the end of Q3 2023, up from 49.3 million SKUs as ofthe end of Q3 2022

— The number of active buyers6 on the Yandex Market marketplace increased by 40% year-on-year and reached17.6 million as of the end of Q3 2023

— The number of active sellers7 on Yandex Market marketplace increased by 95% year-on-year and reached 68.4thousand as of the end of Q3 2023


— GMV of Mobility services grew 51% compared to Q3 2022

(6) An active buyer is a buyer who made at least 1 purchase in the last 12 months prior to the reporting date. (7) An active seller is a seller who made at least 1 sale in the last 1 month prior to the reporting date.

In RUB millions                    Three months ended September 30, Nine months ended September 30, 
                            2022    2023    Change  2022    2023     Change 
Mobility                        198,041   298,951  51%    544,422  777,897   43% 
E-Commerce                       72,465   121,154  67%    195,614  339,467   74% 
First party (1P) business model             19,835   27,492   39%    56,431   90,895   61% 
Third party (3P) commission business model       52,630   93,662   78%    139,183  248,572   79% 
Other O2O services                   47,001   83,952   79%    125,470  226,463   80% 
Mobility                        31,015   45,151   46%    87,514   115,854   32% 
E-Commerce                       23,520   42,209   79%    63,918   123,221   93% 
Revenues from sale of goods (1P)8            15,944   22,019   38%    45,643   72,752   59% 
Commission and other e-commerce revenues9        7,576    20,190   166%   18,275   50,469   176% 
Other O2O services                   10,444   22,105   112%   27,910   57,758   107% 
Eliminations                      (1,531)   (2,225)  45%    (3,970)  (6,168)   55% 
Total revenues                     63,448   107,240  69%    175,372  290,665   66% 
Adjusted EBITDA loss E-commerce, Mobility and      (2,668)   (4,483)  68%    (9,102)  (21,402)  135% 

(8) Revenues related to sales of goods include revenues from Yandex Market 1P sales, revenues from Yandex Lavka 1P sales in Russia, where we use a first-party (1P) business model and act as a direct retailer, and exclude delivery fee revenues related to these businesses. (9) Commission and other e-commerce revenues include Yandex Market marketplace (3P) commission, delivery, service fee and advertising revenues of grocery delivery services of Yandex Eats and Maket Delivery, as well as delivery fee and advertising revenue of Yandex Lavka in Russia and other revenues.

The growth in GMV of Mobility reached 51% year-on-year in Q3 2023, driven by an increase in the number of rides, growing share of non-economy tariffs due to the shift of new vehicles supply on the market towards upper-class models and continued driver undersupply on our domestic market, as well as forex effect from our operations in CIS and EMEA markets. The growth in GMV of E-commerce was 67% year-on-year in Q3 2023 supported by organic growth in the user base and assortment expansion. GMV of other O2O services grew by 79% year-on-year in Q3 2023, with Yandex Delivery and Yandex Food Delivery services including Market Delivery, being the largest contributors reporting growth of 109% year-on-year.

E-commerce, Mobility and Delivery segment revenues increased by 69% year-on-year in Q3 2023. The increase was mainly driven by E-commerce services (where Yandex Market was the largest contributor to the growth in absolute terms, followed by Yandex Lavka). Mobility revenues increased by 46%, which is lower than GMV growth, on the back of higher investment into driver supply. E-commerce revenues increased by 79%, greater than the increase in GMV, reflecting an improvement of 3P take rates and a growing share of advertising revenue. Other O2O services revenues delivered 112% year-on-year growth where Food Delivery was the key contributor to the growth, followed by our Delivery business.

Eliminations related to the E-commerce, Mobility and Delivery segment represent the eliminations of intercompany revenues between different businesses within the segment. The year-on-year dynamic was mainly attributed to our expansion of intercompany synergies with a higher volume of E-commerce and Food Delivery orders fulfilled by our Yandex Delivery business compared to a year ago.

Adjusted EBITDA loss of E-commerce, Mobility and Delivery was RUB 4,483 million in Q3 2023 compared to loss of RUB 2,668 million in Q3 2022. This dynamic was primarily driven by the growing scale of Yandex Market business, as well as contraction of Adj EBITDA margin of the Mobility business on the back of increased investments into driver supply. Plus and Entertainment Services The Plus and Entertainment Services segment includes our subscription service Yandex Plus, Yandex Music, Kinopoisk, Yandex Afisha, Bookmate and our production center Plus Studio. Key operational trends:

— Number of Yandex Plus subscribers reached 25.8 million as of the end of Q3 2023, up 63% from the end ofQ3 2022

In RUB millions    Three months ended September 30,  Nine months ended September 30, 
            2022    2023    Change   2022    2023   Change 
Revenues        7,817    17,402   123%    19,798   46,261  134% 
Adjusted EBITDA/(loss) (1,498)   1,040   169%    (7,264)  2,614   136% 
Adjusted EBITDA margin -19.2%   6.0%    25.2 pp   -36.7%   5.7%   42.4 pp 

Plus and Entertainment Services revenues grew 123% in Q3 2023 compared with Q3 2022. The increase was primarily driven by the growth of subscription revenue on the back of the expanding base of paid subscribers and changes in tariff mix, as well as solid trends in other revenue streams, including advertising. Adjusted EBITDA remained positive for the second quarter in a row reaching RUB 1.0 billion, compared with a loss of RUB 1.5 billion in Q3 2022 driven by a positive operating leverage effect on the back of the subscription revenue growth (which increased by 92% year-on-year) as well as cost-efficiency improvements.


The Classifieds segment includes Auto.ru, Yandex Realty, Yandex Rent and Yandex Travel.

In RUB millions    Three months ended September 30, Nine months ended September 30, 
            2022   2023   Change    2022   2023    Change 
Revenues        3,371   7,125   111%     8,350  17,136   105% 
Adjusted EBITDA    237    235    -1%      903   72     -92% 
Adjusted EBITDA margin 7.0%   3.3%   -3.7 pp    10.8%  0.4%    -10.4 pp 

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October 27, 2023 05:00 ET (09:00 GMT)

DJ Yandex Announces Third Quarter 2023 Financial -3-

Classifieds revenues increased by 111% in Q3 2023 compared with Q3 2022. The revenue growth was primarily driven by the solid performance of Auto.ru due to a low base effect of the last year, dealer base expansion, growth of new projects and improvement in monetization; as well as by Yandex Travel due to the strengthened market position on the back of increasing demand for our travel aggregator service. Adjusted EBITDA in Q3 2023 remained flat compared to the corresponding period last year and amounted to RUB 0.2 billion: a year-on-year improvement of profitability in Auto.ru was offset by our continuing investments in the expansion of Yandex Travel and Yandex Rent.

Other Business Units and Initiatives

The Other Business Units and Initiatives category includes our self-driving vehicles business (Yandex SDG), Yandex Cloud and Yandex 360, Yandex Education (Practicum and other education initiatives), Devices and Alice, FinTech (including Yandex Pay and Yandex ID) and a number of other experiments as well as unallocated corporate expenses.

In RUB millions       Three months ended September 30,  Nine months ended September 30, 
              2022     2023     Change  2022    2023    Change 
Revenues          11,203    18,805    68%   29,877   47,882   60% 
Adjusted EBITDA loss    (10,786)   (17,684)   64%   (21,437)  (41,042)  91% 
Adjusted EBITDA loss margin -96.3%    -94.0%    2.3 pp  -71.8%   -85.7%   -13.9 pp 

Other Business Units and Initiatives revenues increased 68% year-on-year in Q3 2023, driven mainly by Yandex Cloud, Devices and Alice, and Fintech. Yandex Cloud revenue grew 60% year-on-year, supported by product portfolio expansion as well as improvement in our market share on the back of increasing demand for our services. The Devices and Alice revenue increased 94% year-on-year to RUB 7.2 billion in Q3 2023 due to devices sales growth supported by our efficient targeted marketing activities and the expansion in the range of models available.

The adjusted EBITDA loss amounted to RUB 17.7 billion compared to RUB 10.8 billion in Q3 2022. The loss increase was mainly attributed to segregation of unallocated corporate expenses from reportable segments’ adjusted EBITDA and their inclusion in the Other Business Units and Initiatives category (since September 2022), investments into growth of the Yandex Cloud business and Yandex SDG (where adjusted EBITDA loss came to RUB 2.9 billion in Q3 2023), and development of other verticals. Eliminations Eliminations related to our revenues represent the elimination of transactions between the reportable segments, including advertising revenues, intercompany revenues related to brand royalties, data centers, devices sales and others.

In RUB millions     Three months ended September 30,  Nine months ended September 30, 
            2022     2023     Change  2022    2023    Change 
Segment revenues    146,990   241,014   64%   389,560   638,347   64% 
Eliminations      (13,827)   (36,245)   162%   (32,639)  (87,808)  169% 
Total revenues     133,163   204,769   54%   356,921   550,539   54% 
Adjusted EBITDA: 
Segment adjusted EBITDA 19,920    26,129    31%   46,737   62,987   35% 
Eliminations      83      399     381%   231     1,081    368% 
Total adjusted EBITDA  20,003    26,528    33%   46,968   64,068   36% 

Eliminations related to our revenues increased 162% in Q3 2023 compared with Q3 2022. The increase was mainly attributed to the increased intercompany revenue between our businesses (related to cross service advertising and marketing activities, the usage of data centers, other IT infrastructure, and other centralized services by all business units), as a result of greater integration of services and overall growth across the Group.

Consolidated Operating Costs and Expenses Our operating costs and expenses consist of cost of revenues (COS), product development expenses (PD), sales, general and administrative expenses (SG&A), depreciation and amortization expenses (D&A) and goodwill impairment. Personnel-related costs, including share-based compensation expenses, are included in the COS, PD and SG&A categories and represent a significant part of our operating expenses. Increases across all cost categories reflect investments in overall growth. In Q3 2023, our headcount increased by 1,421 full-time employees. The total number of full-time employees was 25,703 as of September 30, 2023, up by 6% compared with June 30, 2023, and up 29% from September 30, 2022, which was primarily driven by the accelerated pace of hiring in Search and Portal, Yandex Cloud and Yandex Market, as well as by the growth of Plus and Entertainment Services and Mobility among others.

Operating Expenses

In RUB millions           Three months ended September 30,  Nine months ended September 30, 
                  2022    2023    Change   2022    2023    Change 
Cost of revenues           55,654   88,205   58%     155,386  244,864  58% 
Cost of revenues as a % of revenues 41.8%    43.1%    1.3 pp   43.5%   44.5%   1.0 pp 
   including TAC          9,223    14,669   59%     22,705   38,415  69% 
     TAC as a % of revenues  6.9%    7.2%    0.3 pp   6.4%    7.0%    0.6 pp 
Product development         17,058   26,237   54%     53,045   72,452  37% 
As a % of revenues         12.8%    12.8%    0 pp    14.9%   13.2%   -1.7 pp 
Sales, general and administrative  42,186   67,003   59%     118,733  177,676  50% 
As a % of revenues         31.7%    32.7%    1.0 pp   33.3%   32.3%   -1.0 pp 
Depreciation and amortization    7,468    11,240   51%     22,648   28,863  27% 
As a % of revenues         5.6%    5.5%    -0.1 pp  6.3%    5.2%    -1.1 pp 
Goodwill impairment         -      -     n/m     -     1,136   n/m 
As a % of revenues          -      -     n/m     -     0.2%    0.2 pp 
Total operating expenses       122,366   192,685  57%     349,812  524,991  50% 
As a % of revenues         91.9%    94.1%    2.2 pp   98.0%   95.4%   -2.6 pp 

Total operating expenses increased by 57% in Q3 2023 compared with Q3 2022. The increase was mainly due to the ?ost of revenues related to E-commerce, Mobility and Delivery businesses, Devices and Alice, as well as Search and Portal, and growth of headcount and related personnel expenses across most of our business units due to the overall expansion of operations.

TAC grew 59% in Q3 2023 compared with Q3 2022 and represented 7.2% of total revenues, 23 basis points higher than in Q3 2022. The year-on-year growth of TAC as a share of revenue was primarily driven by TAC related to our distribution partners and the growing contribution of ad revenues related to the Yandex Advertising Network.

In RUB millions               Three months ended September 30, Nine months ended September 30, 
                      2022   2023   Change    2022   2023   Change 
SBC expense included in cost of revenues  169    172    2%      449    513    14% 
SBC expense included in product development 3,771   3,370   -11%     11,237  9,839   -12% 
SBC expense included in SG&A        2,523   2,350   -7%      7,537   6,839   -9% 
Total SBC expense              6,463   5,892   -9%      19,223  17,191  -11% 
As a % of revenues             4.9%   2.9%   -2.0 pp    5.4%   3.1%   -2.3 pp 

Total SBC expenses decreased by 9% in Q3 2023 compared with Q3 2022. The decrease was primarily related to the replacement of new RSU grants during 2022 and 2023 with an increase in salaries and bonuses as well as settlement of Business Unit Equity Awards in cash in Q3 2022, which led to additional cost recognized in Q3 2022; partly offset by the material appreciation of the U.S. dollar against the ruble. In light of the ongoing halt of trading in our Class A shares on Nasdaq, during 2022 and 2023, participants have received and will continue to receive cash compensation on the vesting dates of the relevant RSU equity awards, in an amount equal to the target value of each tranche of such awards. In Q3 2023, RUB 2.8 billion of the total RUB 5.9 billion in SBC expenses related to RSU equity awards settled in cash were recorded as part of personnel expenses, which reduced consolidated adjusted EBITDA.

Income from operations

In RUB millions    Three months ended September 30,  Nine months ended September 30, 
            2022    2023    Change   2022   2023    Change 
Income from operations 10,797   12,084   12%     7,109   25,548   259% Income from operations amounted to RUB 12.1 billion in Q3 2023 compared to RUB 10.8 billion in Q3 2022. This dynamic was mainly driven by the improved profitability of our Search and Portal, Plus and Entertainment segments, as well as the Food Delivery business. Other income, net for Q3 2023 amounted to RUB 7,209 million, up from RUB 4,053 million in Q3 2022. Other income, net includes foreign exchange gains of RUB 7,500 million in Q3 2023 and RUB 4,242 million in Q3 2022. Foreign exchange gains dynamics reflect changes of USD denominated monetary assets in our Russian subsidiaries and RUB denominated monetary assets in our foreign subsidiaries on the back of a stronger depreciation of the Russian ruble in absolute terms against the US dollar in the third quarter of 2023 compared to the third quarter of 2022. Income tax expense for Q3 2023 was RUB 7,704 million, up from RUB 6,818 million in Q3 2022. Our effective tax rate of 50.1% in Q3 2023 was higher 

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October 27, 2023 05:00 ET (09:00 GMT)

DJ Yandex Announces Third Quarter 2023 Financial -4-

than 13.0% in Q3 2022. The Group’s tax provision for income taxes for interim periods is determined based on the tax rate effective during that period. The major factors influencing changes in the effective tax rates in Q3 2023 and Q3 2022 were: differences in foreign tax rates of our subsidiaries (including reduced tax rate in certain Russian subsidiaries), deferred tax asset valuation allowances, non-deductible SBC expenses, statutory expenses not deductible for income tax purposes, tax provision recognized, tax on dividends, as well as tax effects of the News and Zen deconsolidation in Q3 2022. Net income was RUB 7.7 billion in Q3 2023, compared with RUB 45.5 billion in Q3 2022. The latter included a one-off non-cash gain recognized on the News and Zen deconsolidation in the amount of RUB 38,051 million. Cash provided by operating activities was RUB 22.3 billion and cash paid for property and equipment, intangible assets and assets to be leased was RUB 31.1 billion for Q3 2023. The total number of shares issued and outstanding as of September 30, 2023 was 361,482,282, including 325,783,607 Class A shares, 35,698,674 Class B shares, and one Priority share and excluding 558,663 Class A shares held in treasury. There were also employee share options outstanding to purchase up to an additional 2.9 million shares, at a weighted average exercise price of USD44.32 per share, 2.3 million of which were fully vested; equity-settled share appreciation rights (SARs) for 0.1 million shares, at a weighted average measurement price of USD32.85, all of which were fully vested; restricted share units (RSUs) covering 8.9 million shares, of which RSUs to acquire 6.2 million shares were fully vested; and performance share units (PSUs) for 0.2 million shares. In addition, we have outstanding awards in respect of our various Business Units, including options and synthetic options, for 6.0 million shares, 2.5 million of which were fully vested and are settled in equity of our Business Units, cash or Yandex Class A shares.


Yandex (NASDAQ and MOEX: YNDX) is a technology company registered in the Netherlands that builds intelligent products and services powered by machine learning. Our goal is to help consumers and businesses better navigate the online and offline world. Since 1997, we have delivered world-class, locally relevant search and navigation products, while also expanding into mobility, e-commerce, online entertainment, cloud computing and other markets to assist millions of consumers in Russia and a number of international markets. More information on Yandex can be found at https://ir.yandex/.


This press release contains forward-looking statements that involve risks and uncertainties. All statements contained in this press release other than statements of historical facts, including, without limitation, statements regarding our future financial and business performance, our business and strategy and the impact of the current geopolitical and macroeconomic developments on our industry, business and financial results, are forward-looking statements. The words “anticipate,” “believe,” “continue,” “estimate,” “expect,” “guide,” “intend,” “likely,” “may,” “will” and similar expressions and their negatives are intended to identify forward-looking statements. Actual results may differ materially from the results predicted or implied by such statements, and our reported results should not be considered as an indication of future performance. The potential risks and uncertainties that could cause actual results to differ from the results predicted or implied by such statements include, among others, macroeconomic and geopolitical developments affecting the Russian economy or our business, changes in the political, legal and/or regulatory environment and regulatory and business responses to that crisis, including international economic sanctions and export controls, competitive pressures, changes in advertising patterns, changes in user preferences, technological developments, and our need to expend capital to accommodate the growth of the business, as well as those risks and uncertainties included under the captions “Risk Factors” and “Operating and Financial Review and Prospects” in our Annual Report on Form 20-F for the year ended December 31, 2022 and “Risk Factors” in the Shareholder Circular filed as Exhibit 99.2 to our Current Report on Form 6-K, which were filed with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) on April 20, 2023 and November 18, 2019, respectively, and are available on our investor relations website at https:// ir.yandex/sec-filings and on the SEC website at https://www.sec.gov/. All information in this release and in the attachments is as of October 27, 2023, and Yandex undertakes no duty to update this information unless required by law.


To supplement the financial information prepared and presented in accordance with U.S. GAAP, we present the following non-GAAP financial measures: ex-TAC revenues, Adjusted EBITDA/(loss), Adjusted EBITDA margin and Adjusted net income/(loss). The presentation of these financial measures is not intended to be considered in isolation or as a substitute for, or superior to, the financial information prepared and presented in accordance with U.S. GAAP. For more information on these non-GAAP financial measures, please see the tables captioned “Reconciliations of non-GAAP financial measures to the nearest comparable U.S. GAAP measures”, included following the accompanying financial tables. We define the various non-GAAP financial measures we use as follows:

— Ex-TAC revenues means U.S. GAAP revenues less total traffic acquisition costs (TAC).

— Adjusted EBITDA/(loss) means U.S. GAAP net income/(loss) plus (1) depreciation and amortization, (2) certain SBC expense, (3) interest expense, (4) income tax expense, (5) expenses (reversal of expenses) related tothe contingent compensation payable to employees in connection with certain business combinations, (6) loss fromequity method investments, (7) one-off restructuring and other expenses, and (8) impairment of goodwill and otherintangible assets less (1) interest income, (2) other income/(loss), net, (3) gain on restructuring of convertibledebt and (4) effect of the News and Zen deconsolidation.

— Adjusted EBITDA margin means adjusted EBITDA/(loss) divided by U.S. GAAP revenues.

— Adjusted net income means U.S. GAAP net income plus (1) certain SBC expense, (2) expenses (reversal ofexpenses) related to the contingent compensation payable to certain employees in connection with certain businesscombinations, (3) one-off restructuring and other expenses, (4) impairment of goodwill and other intangible assets,and (5) amortization of debt discount and issuance costs related to our convertible debt, less (1) foreign exchangegains, (2) gain on restructuring of convertible debt and (3) effect of the News and Zen deconsolidation. Taxeffects related to the listed adjustments are excluded from adjusted net income.

These non-GAAP financial measures are used by management for evaluating financial performance as well as decision-making. Management believes that these metrics reflect the organic, core operating performance of the company, and therefore are useful to analysts and investors in providing supplemental information that helps them understand, model and forecast the evolution of our operating business.

Although our management uses these non-GAAP financial measures for operational decision-making and considers these financial measures to be useful for analysts and investors, we recognize that there are a number of limitations related to such measures. In particular, it should be noted that several of these measures exclude some recurring costs, particularly share-based compensation. In addition, the components of the costs that we exclude in our calculation of the measures described above may differ from the components that our peer companies exclude when they report their results of operations.

Below we describe why we make particular adjustments to certain U.S. GAAP financial measures:


We believe that it may be useful for investors and analysts to review certain measures both in accordance with U.S. GAAP and net of the effect of TAC, which we view as comparable to sales bonuses but, unlike sales bonuses, are not deducted from U.S. GAAP revenues. By presenting revenue, net of TAC, we believe that investors and analysts are able to obtain a clearer picture of our business without the impact of the revenues we share with our partners.

Certain SBC expense

SBC is a significant expense item, and an important part of our compensation and incentive programs. As it is highly dependent on our share price at the time of equity award grants, we believe that it is useful for investors and analysts to see certain financial measures excluding the impact of these charges in order to obtain a clearer picture of our operating performance. However, because we settled the RSU equity awards of our employees in cash during 2022 and 2023, starting from Q3 2022 we no longer eliminate the relevant SBC expense corresponding to the cash payment from adjusted EBITDA and adjusted net income.

Foreign exchange gains

Because we hold significant assets and liabilities in currencies other than our Russian ruble operating currency, and because foreign exchange fluctuations are outside of our operational control, we believe that it is useful to present adjusted EBITDA, adjusted net income and related margin measures excluding these effects, in order to provide greater clarity regarding our operating performance.

Amortization of debt discount and issuance costs

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October 27, 2023 05:00 ET (09:00 GMT)

DJ Yandex Announces Third Quarter 2023 Financial -5-

We also adjust net income/(loss) for interest expense representing amortization of the debt discount related to our convertible senior notes due 2025 issued in Q1 2020. We have eliminated this expense from adjusted net income as it is non-cash in nature and is not indicative of our ongoing operating performance. We have repurchased substantially all of the outstanding notes to date.

Expenses related to contingent consideration

We may incur expenses in connection with acquisitions that are not indicative of our recurring core operating performance. In particular, we are required under U.S. GAAP to accrue as an expense the contingent compensation that is payable to certain employees in connection with certain business combinations. We eliminate these acquisition-related expenses from adjusted EBITDA and adjusted net income to provide management and investors a tool for comparing on a period-to-period basis our operating performance in the ordinary course of operations.

Goodwill and other intangible assets impairment

We adjust our net income and EBITDA to exclude a loss from goodwill and intangible assets impairment, as well as any related income tax effects. Excluding these expenses, allow us to provide a clearer picture of our business performance, without being distracted by one-off expenses that are not directly related to our operating activities.

Gain on restructuring of convertible debt

Adjusted net income, adjusted EBITDA and related margin measures for 9 months ended September 30, 2022 exclude gain on restructuring of our convertible debt and income tax effect attributable to this gain.

In June 2022, we completed the purchase of 93.2% in aggregate principal amount of our USD1.25 billion 0.75% Convertible Notes due 2025. As a result of the restructuring, a gain in the amount of RUB 9,305 million and a related income tax expense in the amount of RUB 751 million were recognized. We have repurchased substantially all of the outstanding notes to date.

One-off restructuring and other expenses

We believe that it is useful to present adjusted net income, adjusted EBITDA and related margin measures excluding impacts not related to our operating activities. Adjusted net income and adjusted EBITDA exclude expenses related to the proposed corporate restructuring and other similar one-off expenses.

Effect of the News and Zen deconsolidation

We have adjusted net income, EBITDA and related margin measures for the one-off gain as a result of the News and Zen deconsolidation completed in Q3 2022, in the amount of RUB 38,051 million. We have eliminated this gain from adjusted net income and adjusted EBITDA as we believe that it is useful to present adjusted net income, adjusted EBITDA and related margins measures excluding impacts not related to our operating activities.

The tables at the end of this release provide detailed reconciliations of each non-GAAP financial measure we use from the most directly comparable U.S. GAAP financial measure.


Unaudited Condensed Consolidated Balance Sheets

(in millions of Russian rubles and U.S. dollars, except share and per share data)

As of 
                                       December  September 30,  September 30, 
                                       2022*   2023       2023 
                                       RUB    RUB       USD 
  Cash and cash equivalents                         83,131   85,411      876.8 
  Accounts receivable                            58,014   69,345      711.9 
  Sales financing receivable                        5,738   8,778      90.1 
  Prepaid expenses                             16,968   25,588      262.6 
  Inventory                                 28,220   22,745      233.5 
  Funds receivable                             8,290   10,839      111.3 
  VAT reclaimable                              22,602   24,930      255.9 
  Other current assets                           16,971   19,070      195.7 
      Total current assets                        239,934  266,706     2,737.8 
  Property and equipment                          127,706  164,744     1,691.2 
  Operating lease right-of-use assets                    28,646   35,265      362.0 
  Intangible assets                             31,766   35,493      364.3 
  Content assets                              16,844   21,969      225.5 
  Goodwill                                 143,778  142,840     1,466.3 
  Equity method investments                         2,118   1,160      11.9 
  Investments in non-marketable equity securities              6,746   9,033      92.7 
  Deferred tax assets                            3,904   7,470      76.7 
  Other non-current assets                         15,277   27,387      281.2 
      Total non-current assets                      376,785  445,361     4,571.8 
         TOTAL ASSETS                         616,719  712,067     7,309.6 
  Accounts payable, accrued and other liabilities              122,816  162,573     1,668.8 
  Debt, current portion                           21,306   82,654      848.5 
  Income and non-income taxes payable                    28,137   33,311      342.0 
  Deferred revenue                             15,585   20,070      206.0 
      Total current liabilities                     187,844  298,608     3,065.3 
  Debt, non-current portion                         29,885   26,703      274.1 
  Deferred tax liabilities                         5,473   8,501      87.3 
  Operating lease liabilities                        17,609   24,576      252.3 
  Finance lease liabilities                         21,185   26,184      268.8 
  Other accrued liabilities                         16,545   25,507      261.8 
      Total non-current liabilities                   90,697   111,471     1,144.3 
         Total liabilities                      278,541  410,079     4,209.6 
Commitments and contingencies 
Shareholders' equity: 
Ordinary shares: par value (Class A EUR0.01, Class B EUR0.10 and Class C 
EUR0.09); shares authorized (Class A: 500,000,000, Class B: 37,138,658 and 
Class C: 37,748,658); shares issued (Class A: 326,342,270, Class B:      282    282       2.9 
35,698,674 and Class C: 10,000 and nil, respectively); shares outstanding 
(Class A: 325,783,607, Class B: 35,698,674, and Class C: nil) 
Treasury shares at cost (Class A: 558,663)                  (1,393)  (1,393)     (14.3) 
Additional paid-in capital                          119,464  84,997      872.5 
Accumulated other comprehensive income                    24,258   18,199      186.9 
Retained earnings                               173,697  199,887     2,051.9 
      Total equity attributable to Yandex N.V.              316,308  301,972     3,099.9 
Noncontrolling interests                           21,870   16        0.1 
      Total shareholders' equity                     338,178  301,988     3,100.0 
         TOTAL LIABILITIES AND SHAREHOLDERS' EQUITY          616,719  712,067     7,309.6 

* Derived from audited consolidated financial statements


Unaudited Condensed Consolidated Statements of Operations

(in millions of Russian rubles and U.S. dollars, except share and per share data)

Three months ended September 30,     Nine months ended September 30, 
                   2022     2023     2023     2022     2023     2023 
                   RUB      RUB      USD       RUB      RUB      USD 
Revenues               133,163    204,769    2,102.0    356,921    550,539    5,651.5 
Operating costs and expenses: 
  Cost of revenues(1)        55,654    88,205    905.5     155,386    244,864    2,513.6 
  Product development(1)      17,058    26,237    269.3     53,045    72,452    743.7 
  Sales, general and        42,186    67,003    687.8     118,733    177,676    1,823.9 
  Depreciation and amortization   7,468     11,240    115.4     22,648    28,863    296.3 
Goodwill impairment          -       -       -       -       1,136     11.7 
Total operating costs and expenses  122,366    192,685    1,978.0    349,812    524,991    5,389.2 

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Income from operations         10,797    12,084    124.0     7,109     25,548    262.3 
Interest income            1,127     1,289     13.2     3,526     3,612     37.1 
Interest expense            (779)     (3,781)    (38.8)    (2,508)    (6,927)    (71.1) 
Gain on restructuring of        -       -       -       9,305     -       - 
convertible debt 
Effect of the News and Zen       38,051    -       -       38,051    -       - 
Loss from equity method investments  (890)     (1,416)    (14.5)    (1,341)    (1,657)    (17.0) 
Other income/(loss), net        4,053     7,209     74.0     (514)     22,086    226.6 
  Net income before income taxes   52,359    15,385    157.9     53,628    42,662    437.9 
Income tax expense           6,818     7,704     79.1     13,068    14,565    149.5 
  Net income             45,541    7,681     78.8     40,560    28,097    288.4 
Net income attributable to       (2,373)    -       -       (6,049)    (1,905)    (19.5) 
noncontrolling interests 
  Net income attributable to     43,168    7,681     78.8     34,511    26,192    268.9 
Yandex N.V. 
Net income per Class A and Class B 
Basic                 116.38    20.71     0.21     94.02     70.63     0.73 
Diluted                116.23    20.63     0.21     69.62     70.40     0.72 
Weighted average number of Class A 
and Class B shares used in per 
share computation 
Basic                 370,925,704  370,834,420  370,834,420  367,071,728  370,837,699  370,837,699 
Diluted                371,390,423  372,293,060  372,293,060  375,794,547  372,028,664  372,028,664 
(1)  These balances exclude depreciation and amortization expenses, which are presented separately, and include 
share-based compensation expenses of: 
Cost of revenues           169      172      1.8      449      513      5.3 
Product development          3,771     3,370     34.6     11,237    9,839     101.0 
Sales, general and administrative   2,523     2,350     24.1     7,537     6,839     70.2 


Unaudited Condensed Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows

(in millions of Russian rubles and U.S. dollars)

Three months ended September 
                                             2022    2023    2023 
                                             RUB    RUB    USD 
Net income                                         45,541   7,681   78.8 
Adjustments to reconcile net income to net cash provided by operating activities: 
   Depreciation of property and equipment                        5,630   8,073   82.9 
   Amortization of intangible assets                           1,838   3,167   32.5 
   Amortization of content assets                            2,051   1,807   18.5 
   Operating lease right-of-use assets reduction and the lease liability accretion    3,376   3,614   37.1 
   Share-based compensation expense (excluding cash settled awards of RUB 5,745 and   718    3,492   35.8 
   RUB 2,399, respectively) 
   Deferred income tax expense                              1,084   325    3.3 
   Foreign exchange gains                                (4,242)  (7,500)  (77.0) 
   Loss from equity method investments                          890    1,416   14.5 
   Effect of the News and Zen deconsolidation                            -     - 
   Provision for expected credit losses                         731    1,225   12.6 
   Other                                         320    2,663   27.4 
Changes in operating assets and liabilities excluding the effect of acquisitions: 
   Accounts receivable                                  (8,836)  (4,779)  (49.1) 
   Prepaid expenses                                   (2,734)  (4,966)  (50.9) 
   Inventory                                       (1,461)  (1,807)  (18.5) 
   Accounts payable, accrued and other liabilities and taxes payable           23,978   13,064   134.1 
   Deferred revenue                                   960    1,387   14.2 
   Other assets                                     762    5,295   54.4 
   VAT reclaimable                                    (2,148)  (503)   (5.2) 
   Funds receivable                                   709    (4,446)  (45.6) 
   Sales financing receivable                              (1,050)  (3,091)  (31.7) 
   Content assets                                    (2,519)  (4,846)  (49.7) 
   Content liabilities                                  (1,087)  1,075   11.0 
     Net cash provided by operating activities                    26,460   22,346   229.4 
Purchases of property and equipment and intangible assets                 (4,609) 
                                                   (26,862)  (275.7) 
Purchase of assets to be leased                              -     (4,217)  (43.3) 
Investments in term deposits                                (1,235)  -     - 
Net cash acquired as a result of the News and Zen deconsolidation and our acquisition   1,795   -     - 
of Delivery Club 
Loans granted                                       (144)   (2,303)  (23.6) 
Bank deposits and loans to customers                            -     (1,621)  (16.6) 
Proceeds from repayments of loans                             -     443    4.5 
Other investing activities                                 (265)   693    7.1 
     Net cash used in investing activities                      (4,458) 
                                                   (33,867)  (347.6) 
Proceeds from issuance of debt                               3,447   79,787   819.0 
Repayment of debt                                     (3,532) 
                                                   (63,246)  (649.2) 
Bank deposits and liabilities                               -     8,255   84.7 
Payment for finance leases                                 (435)   (872)   (9.0) 
Other financing activities                                 (360)   -     - 
     Net cash provided by/(used in) financing activities               (880)   23,924   245.5 
Effect of exchange rate changes on cash and cash equivalents, and restricted cash and   4,027   1,646   16.9 
cash equivalents 
Net change in cash and cash equivalents, and restricted cash and cash equivalents     25,149   14,049   144.2 
Cash and cash equivalents, and restricted cash and cash equivalents, beginning of     75,867   72,622   745.5 
Cash and cash equivalents, and restricted cash and cash equivalents, end of period     101,016  86,671   889.7 


Unaudited Condensed Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows

(in millions of Russian rubles and U.S. dollars)

Nine months ended September 30, 
                                            2022    2023    2023 
                                            RUB    RUB     USD 
Net income                                        40,560   28,097   288.4 
Adjustments to reconcile net income to net cash provided by operating activities: 
   Depreciation of property and equipment                       17,279   20,995   215.5 
   Amortization of intangible assets                          5,369   7,868    80.8 
   Amortization of content assets                           6,677   6,347    65.2 

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DJ Yandex Announces Third Quarter 2023 Financial -7-

Operating lease right-of-use assets reduction and the lease liability accretion   11,087   10,408   106.8 
   Amortization of debt discount and issuance costs                  585    -      - 
   Share-based compensation expense (excluding cash settled awards of RUB 14,953    4,270   6,472    66.4 
   RUB 10,718, respectively) 
   Deferred income tax expense/(benefit)                        1,399   (52)    (0.5) 
   Foreign exchange gains                               (11)    (22,378)  (229.7) 
   Loss from equity method investments                         1,341   1,657    17.0 
   Effect of the News and Zen deconsolidation                           -      - 
   Gain on restructuring of convertible debt                      (9,305)  -      - 
   Impairment of long-lived assets                           3,644   1,199    12.3 
   Provision for expected credit losses                        1,769   3,488    35.8 
   Other                                        801    3,469    35.6 
Changes in operating assets and liabilities excluding the effect of acquisitions: 
   Accounts receivable                                 (4,296)  (11,778)  (120.9) 
   Prepaid expenses                                  (5,129)  (6,007)   (61.7) 
   Inventory                                      (7,526)  2,453    25.2 
   Accounts payable, accrued and other liabilities and taxes payable          22,870   18,287   187.7 
   Deferred revenue                                  1,654   3,941    40.5 
   Other assets                                    568    1,776    18.2 
   VAT reclaimable                                   (1,983)  (1,459)   (15.0) 
   Funds receivable                                  1,658   (2,033)   (20.9) 
   Sales financing receivable                             (1,785)  (4,068)   (41.8) 
   Content assets                                   (8,718)  (11,270)  (115.7) 
   Content liabilities                                 (1,440)  1,018    10.5 
     Net cash provided by operating activities                   43,287   58,430   599.7 
Purchases of property and equipment and intangible assets                      (52,031)  (534.1) 
Purchase of assets to be leased                             -     (12,806)  (131.5) 
Acquisitions of businesses, net of cash acquired                     (820)   -      - 
Net cash acquired as a result of the News and Zen deconsolidation and our acquisition  1,795   -      - 
of Delivery Club 
Proceeds from sale of marketable equity securities                    5,859   -      - 
Investments in term deposits                               (3,235)  (6)     (0.1) 
Maturities of term deposits                               25,769   160     1.7 
Loans granted                                      (169)   (3,300)   (33.8) 
Proceeds from repayments of loans                            480    1,641    16.8 
Bank deposits and loans to customers                           -     (1,621)   (16.6) 
Other investing activities                                (371)   874     9.0 
     Net cash used in investing activities                     (988)   (67,089)  (688.6) 
Proceeds from issuance of debt                              50,228   161,468   1,657.5 
Repayment of debt 
                                            (49,364)  (103,581)  (1,063.3) 
Repayments of overdraft borrowings                            (2,940)  -      - 
Purchase of non-redeemable noncontrolling interests                   -     (57,337)  (588.6) 
Payment of contingent consideration and holdback amount                 (195)   (77)    (0.8) 
Payment for finance leases                                (1,154)  (2,327)   (23.9) 
Bank deposits and liabilities                              -     8,255    84.7 
Other financing activities                                (1,390)  (5,674)   (58.1) 
     Net cash provided by/(used in) financing activities              (4,815)  727     7.5 
Effect of exchange rate changes on cash and cash equivalents, and restricted cash and        10,162   104.3 
cash equivalents                                    (15,866) 
Net change in cash and cash equivalents, and restricted cash and cash equivalents    21,618   2,230    22.9 
Cash and cash equivalents, and restricted cash and cash equivalents, beginning of    79,398   84,441   866.8 
Cash and cash equivalents, and restricted cash and cash equivalents, end of period    101,016  86,671   889.7 




Reconciliation of Ex-TAC Revenues to U.S. GAAP Revenues

In RUB millions            Three months ended September 30, Nine months ended September 30, 
                   2022    2023     Change  2022    2023    Change 
Total revenues             133,163   204,769   54%    356,921   550,539  54% 
Less: traffic acquisition costs (TAC) 9,223    14,669   59%    22,705   38,415   69% 
Ex-TAC revenues            123,940   190,100   53%    334,216   512,124  53% 

Reconciliation of Adjusted EBITDA to U.S. GAAP Net Income

In RUB millions                        Three months ended September Nine months ended 
                                30,             September 30, 
                                2022    2023   Change 2022   2023   Change 
Net income                           45,541   7,681  -83%   40,560  28,097  -31% 
Add: depreciation and amortization               7,468   11,240  51%   22,648  28,863  27% 
Add: certain SBC expense                    1,738   3,111  79%   14,498  8,154  -44% 
Add: one-off restructuring and other expenses          -     93    n/m   -     304   n/m 
Add: reversal of compensation expense related to contingent   -     -    n/m   (27)   -    n/m 
Less: gain on restructuring of convertible debt         -     -    n/m   (9,305)  -    n/m 
Less: effect of the News and Zen deconsolidation        (38,051)  -    n/m   (38,051) -    n/m 
Less: interest income                      (1,127)  (1,289) 14%   (3,526)  (3,612) 2% 
Add: interest expense                      779    3,781  385%   2,508   6,927  176% 
Add: loss from equity method investments            890    1,416  59%   1,341   1,657  24% 
Less: other income/(loss), net                 (4,053)  (7,209) 78%   514    (22,086) n/m 
Add: impairment of goodwill and other intangible assets     -     -    n/m   2,740   1,199  -56% 
Add: income tax expense                     6,818   7,704  13%   13,068  14,565  11% 
Adjusted EBITDA                         20,003   26,528  33%   46,968  64,068  36% 

Reconciliation of Adjusted Net Income to U.S. GAAP Net Income

In RUB millions                        Three months ended September Nine months ended 
                                30,             September 30, 
                                2022    2023   Change 2022   2023   Change 
Net income                           45,541   7,681  -83%   40,560  28,097  -31% 
Add: certain SBC expense                    1,738   3,111  79%   14,498  8,154  -44% 
Add: reversal of compensation expense related to contingent   -     -    n/m   (27)   -    n/m 
Less: foreign exchange gains                  (4,242)  (7,500) 77%   (11)   (22,378) n/m 
Add: one-off restructuring and other expenses          -     93    n/m   -     304   n/m 
Less: effect of the News and Zen deconsolidation        (38,051)  -    n/m   (38,051) -    n/m 

(MORE TO FOLLOW) Dow Jones Newswires

October 27, 2023 05:00 ET (09:00 GMT)

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