Jul 2, 2023
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21st Austria weekly – ATX Prime in week 26 plus 3,23 percent up, RBI Nr.1 (01/07/2023)

Written by pinmin

News: Andritz (3), Verbund, CA Immo (2), S Immo, Andritz, Zumtobel, S Immo, Verbund BSNgine weekly Spitout: The ATX TR up 3,23% to 6.947,91 points this week. Year-to-date the ATX TR is now at 5,32%. Up to now there were 69 days with a positive and 58 with a negative gain. From the year-high we are 7,48% away, from the low 8,81%. Statistically the best weekday so far 2023 is Tuesday with 0,25%, the weakest is Wednesday with -0,28%. These are the best-performers this week: RBI 6,76% in front of Verbund 5,76% and Pierer Mobility 5,74%. And the following stocks performed worst: Lenzing -8,47% in front of DO&CO -6,43% and Semperit -5,64%. Further highlights this week: Wienerberger for 5 days in a row up (5,02% gain from 26,7 to 28,04), also Erste Group 5 days up (5,46% gain from 30,43 …Den vollständigen Artikel lesen …

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