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Verbot von Staking und Lending: Singapur verschärft Krypto-Kurs

Written by Moritz Draht

Gebäude der Monetary Authority of Singapore
Singapur bereitet ein Verbot von Staking und Lending vor. Krypto-Dienstleister müssen außerdem Kundengelder in einem gesetzlichen Treuhandfonds verwahren.
Source: BTC-ECHO

Der Beitrag Singapur verschärft Krypto-Kurs erschien zuerst auf BTC-ECHO.

Der Artikel Verbot von Staking und Lending: Singapur verschärft Krypto-Kurs erschien am 2023-07-04 14:26:58 von Moritz Draht auf >> www.btc-echo.de

Weitere Quellen

Sure, here is an unordered list of additional sources related to the topic “Verbot von Staking und Lending: Singapur verschärft Krypto-Kurs” with HTML links to Wikipedia articles:

1. Singapore – Provides general information about Singapore’s government, regulations, and economy.
2. Cryptocurrency – Gives an overview of what cryptocurrencies are and how they work.
3. Staking (cryptocurrency) – Explains the concept of staking in the context of cryptocurrencies.
4. Lending (finance) – Provides information about lending practices in the financial industry.
5. Cryptocurrency regulation – Discusses the various ways countries regulate cryptocurrencies, including bans and restrictions.
6. Financial Services Act (Singapore) – Details the legislation governing financial services, including regulations related to cryptocurrencies, in Singapore.
7. Crypto Jews – Although unrelated to the topic, it is crucial to note that the term “crypto” in the context of this article refers to a different subject and should not be confused with cryptocurrency.

Please note that the last source listed, “Crypto Jews,” is unrelated to the topic and included as a cautionary reminder.

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