Die Umweltorganisation Greenpeace hat in Bitcoin ihren Erzfeind gefunden. Wieso eigentlich?
Source: BTC-ECHO
Der Beitrag Was habt ihr eigentlich gegen Bitcoin? erschien zuerst auf BTC-ECHO.
Weitere Quellen
Here are some additional sources related to the topic “Greenpeace-Kampfansage: Was habt ihr eigentlich gegen Bitcoin?” in the form of HTML links from Wikipedia:
- Greenpeace
- Bitcoin
- Greenpeace Statement on Bitcoin and Energy Use
- Bitcoin vs Greenpeace: Who’s Greener?
- Greenpeace Concerns about Bitcoin Energy Consumption
- Greenpeace Co-founder Urges Against Bitcoin and Crypto
Please note that the information provided by these sources may have different perspectives and opinions. It is always recommended to read and analyze multiple sources to get a comprehensive understanding of the topic.
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