Jul 3, 2023
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Altseason bei POW-Coins? Unsere Insights der Blockchance 23

Written by Peter Büscher

Chainalysis, KuCoin und Coinex oder der Bitcoin-Mining-Hardware-Hersteller Bitmain: Auf der Blockchance traf sich vergangene Woche die internationale Krypto-Prominenz. Bitcoin-Kritiker Peter Schiff stellte sich sogar der Diskussion mit dem Publikum. Unser Marktexperte hat sich für euch auch Geheimtipps angeschaut, wie ein Start-up für Weinliebhaber.

Bitcoin Cash-Pump durch EDX Markets?

Viele Proof of Work-Altcoins erleben derzeit einen Höhenflug. Allen voran Bitcoin Cash. Er wird als einer von nur vier Coins auf der neuen Krypto-Börse EDX Markets für institutionelle Anleger angeboten. Dazu kommt ein regulatorischer Vorteil, den aktuell viele dieser Coins genießen. Alle Gründe diskutieren wir in dieser Folge.

On top gibt es noch ein Marktupdate zum Hype-Coin SUI sowie die wichtigsten Kursziele und Chartmarken für Bitcoin.

Viel Spaß beim Hören!

Der Artikel Altseason bei POW-Coins? Unsere Insights der Blockchance 23 erschien am 2023-07-03 16:44:00 von Peter Büscher auf >> www.btc-echo.de

Weitere Quellen

– [Altseason](https://cointelegraph.com/altseason) – an article on Cointelegraph explaining the concept of Altseason and its impact on various tokens.
– [POW-Coins](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Proof-of-work_system) – a Wikipedia page providing information about the Proof-of-Work (PoW) system, which is commonly used by cryptocurrencies.
– [Blockchance 23](https://blockchance.eu/23/) – the official website of Blockchance, a blockchain technology conference that addresses various topics related to cryptocurrencies and blockchain.
– [Insights der Blockchance 23](https://blockchance.eu/23/insights) – a specific page on the Blockchance 23 website that provides insights and information about the conference’s content and discussions.
– [Cryptocurrency](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cryptocurrency) – a Wikipedia page explaining what cryptocurrencies are and how they function.
– [Blockchain](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blockchain) – a comprehensive Wikipedia page about blockchain technology, which is the underlying technology behind cryptocurrencies like POW-Coins.
– [Investopedia: Altseason](https://www.investopedia.com/terms/a/altseason.asp) – a reliable source from Investopedia, explaining the concept of Altseason and its implication for alternative cryptocurrencies.
– [CoinMarketCap](https://coinmarketcap.com/) – a widely used online platform that provides information about cryptocurrencies, including POW-Coins, their market capitalization, and price movements.
– [CryptoSlate](https://cryptoslate.com/) – a crypto news and data website that covers various aspects of the cryptocurrency market, including altcoins and Altseason.
– [Blockfolio](https://blockfolio.com/) – a popular cryptocurrency portfolio tracking app that allows users to stay updated with the latest market trends, including Altseason movements for different tokens.
– [CoinGecko](https://www.coingecko.com/) – an alternative cryptocurrency data platform similar to CoinMarketCap, which provides information about various cryptocurrencies and their market performance.

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