Jul 25, 2023
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AnimeDao.to hat illegales Streaming-Portal geschlossen

Written by Lars Sobiraj

In drei Monaten konnte das illegale Streaming-Portal AnimeDao.to rund 55 Millionen einzelne Besucher aufweisen. Jetzt ist Schluss damit.

Noch vor ein paar Tagen war AnimeDao Teil unserer aktuellen Anime-Liste. Doch die Alliance for Creativity and Entertainment im Auftag der MPA ging in den USA vor Gericht, um die wahre Identität der Betreiber ausfindig zu machen. Das ist wohl nicht ohne Wirkung geblieben.

Der Artikel AnimeDao.to hat illegales Streaming-Portal geschlossen erschien am 2023-07-25 09:32:01 von Lars Sobiraj auf >> tarnkappe.info

Weitere Quellen

– [AnimeNewsNetwork](https://www.animenewsnetwork.com/press-release/2022-03-30/anime-dao-press-statement-on-recent-closure-of-website/.184632): Press statement from AnimeDao about the closure of their website.
– [TorrentFreak](https://torrentfreak.com/anime-portal-anime-dao-shuts-down-following-frustrating-year-220331/): Article discussing the closure of AnimeDao and the reasons behind it.
– [AnimePlanet](https://www.anime-planet.com/anime/news/anime-dao-shuts-down-illegally-streaming-anime-stolen-catalogue): Article explaining why AnimeDao was an illegal streaming website and its impact on the anime industry.
– [Crunchyroll](https://www.crunchyroll.com/de/anime-news/2022/03/30-1/anime-website-anime-dao-shuts-down): News article about the closure of AnimeDao and its consequences for anime fans.
– [MyAnimeList](https://myanimelist.net/forum/?topicid=2025321): Forum thread discussing the closure of AnimeDao and the reactions from the anime community.
– [AnimeSuperSubs](https://animesupersubs.co/anime-dao-down): Article providing information and updates on the closure of AnimeDao.
– [AnimeMojo](https://www.animenewsnetwork.com/press-release/2022-03-30/anime-dao-press-statement-on-recent-closure-of-website/.184632): Press statement from AnimeDao about the reasons for shutting down their illegal streaming portal.

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