Bitcoin erwacht aus seinem Sommerschlaf – aber anders, als es sich die meisten Anleger erhofften. Je nach Börse fiel er letzte Woche unter 25.000 US-Dollar, um mehr als zehn Prozent. Was diesen Crash verursacht hat und welche Chartmarken jetzt in der nahen Zukunft relevant sind, das bespricht Moderator Peter Büscher mit dem Trader Bastian Keller von Bitbull Trading.
Spannende Investmentmöglichkeiten rund um Ethereum
Der Layer-2-Sektor rund um Ethereum brach in den vergangenen Wochen gleich mehrere Rekorde. Sein Wachstum hat Bitcoin deutlich outperformt. Mit unserem DeFi-Experten Leon Waidmann blicken wir auf die vielversprechendsten Projekte, mögliche Airdrops und spannende Investmentmöglichkeiten in diesem Bereich.
Abschließend erhaltet ihr wie immer die wichtigsten Wirtschaftstermine und Chartmarken für Bitcoin in dieser Woche.
Weitere Quellen
Here are some additional sources related to the topic “Bitcoin: Wie geht es nach dem Crash weiter?” as HTML links from Wikipedia:
1. [Bitcoin]( Wikipedia’s article on Bitcoin provides an overview of the cryptocurrency, its history, technology, and implications.
2. [Cryptocurrency crash]( This Wikipedia article focuses on the general concept of cryptocurrency crashes, including Bitcoin crashes, and discusses factors contributing to them.
3. [Cryptocurrency]( Learn more about cryptocurrencies in general, including Bitcoin, by exploring this Wikipedia page dedicated to the broader topic.
4. [Blockchain]( The technology underlying Bitcoin is explained in this Wikipedia article, which provides an in-depth understanding of the blockchain concept.
5. [Bitcoin network]( This Wikipedia entry delves into the technical aspects and functioning of the Bitcoin network, covering topics such as nodes, mining, and transaction verification.
6. [Bitcoin scalability problem]( Explore the challenges related to Bitcoin’s scalability and potential solutions in this Wikipedia article.
7. [Cryptocurrency market]( Get insights into the broader cryptocurrency market, its dynamics, and significant trends, including its relation to Bitcoin, through this Wikipedia resource.
8. [Bitcoin price]( Learn about the historical price trends of Bitcoin by browsing this Wikipedia page, which provides data and analysis on the cryptocurrency’s price fluctuations.
Remember to explore these sources critically and verify their information for accuracy and relevance to your specific interests or needs.