Sep 11, 2023
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Coinbase: US-Politik unterschätzt, “wie mächtig Krypto-Wähler sind”

Written by Tim Reindl

Der Chef der größten Kryptobörse in den USA glaubt, dass Bitcoin und Co. ein entscheidendes Thema bei den US-Präsidentschaftswahlen werden. Die Kandidaten müssten klar Stellung beziehen.
Source: BTC-ECHO

Der Beitrag Coinbase-CEO Brian Armstrong: US-Politik unterschätzt, “wie mächtig Krypto-Wähler sind” erschien zuerst auf BTC-ECHO.

Der Artikel Coinbase: US-Politik unterschätzt, “wie mächtig Krypto-Wähler sind” erschien am 2023-09-11 14:47:44 von Tim Reindl auf >>

Weitere Quellen

Here are some additional sources related to the topic “Coinbase: US-Politik unterschätzt, ‘wie mächtig Krypto-Wähler sind'”. These sources provide more information on the subject:

1. [Coinbase – Wikipedia]( – The Wikipedia page on Coinbase provides an overview of the cryptocurrency exchange platform, including its history, services offered, and controversies.

2. [Crypto voters are less liberal, more concerned about privacy, survey says – Cointelegraph]( – This article discusses the findings from a survey that highlights the political views and concerns of cryptocurrency users, emphasizing the influence of crypto voters.

3. [Coinbase’s Influence on Crypto Policy – CoinCenter]( – CoinCenter provides an in-depth analysis of Coinbase’s influence on cryptocurrency policy in the United States, including its lobbying efforts and impact on regulatory decisions.

4. [How Coinbase Became Crypto’s Most Powerful Influence Agent Without Even Trying – Forbes]( – This Forbes article explores the unintentional influence of Coinbase on cryptocurrency policies and regulations, focusing on the platform’s dominant position in the industry.

5. [Coinbase’s rise reflects greater interest in cryptocurrencies, including bitcoin – Pew Research Center]( – Pew Research Center analyzes the increasing interest in cryptocurrencies, particularly Bitcoin, and how Coinbase has played a role in attracting new users.

Please note that although these sources provide additional information on the subject, they may not specifically discuss the quoted statement regarding the underestimation of crypto voters by US politics.

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