Sep 4, 2023
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Bitcoin-Stromverbrauch: Niedriger als gedacht

Written by Dominic Döllel

Früher war es die Kriminalität, heute ist es der Stromverbrauch: Gegner kritisieren Bitcoin. Doch wie viel Energie benutzen Miner wirklich?
Source: BTC-ECHO

Der Beitrag Deshalb ist der Bitcoin-Stromverbrauch niedriger als gedacht erschien zuerst auf BTC-ECHO.

Der Artikel Bitcoin-Stromverbrauch: Niedriger als gedacht erschien am 2023-09-04 16:06:35 von Dominic Döllel auf >>

Weitere Quellen

Here are some additional sources related to the topic “Bitcoin-Stromverbrauch: Niedriger als gedacht” as HTML links from Wikipedia:

  • Bitcoin – Wikipedia’s article on Bitcoin, providing a general overview of the cryptocurrency.
  • Energy efficiency in bitcoin mining – Wikipedia’s article discussing the energy consumption and efficiency in Bitcoin mining.
  • Cryptocurrency and security – This Wikipedia article discusses the security aspects of cryptocurrencies, including Bitcoin.
  • Mining pool – Information on mining pools, which are groups of cryptocurrency miners who combine their resources for more efficient mining.
  • Renewable energy – Wikipedia’s article on renewable energy, which can provide insights into the potential environmental impacts of Bitcoin mining.

Please note that the links provided are to Wikipedia articles and not specifically focused on the specific content “Bitcoin-Stromverbrauch: Niedriger als gedacht.” However, they provide additional information and context related to Bitcoin’s energy consumption and other related topics.

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