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Weitere Quellen
Sure! Here are some additional sources related to the topic “Großbritannien: Binance zieht Lizenz für Bitcoin-Handel zurück”:
1. Financial Times – [Binance withdraws licence application for UK cryptocurrency business](
2. The Guardian – [Binance to withdraw from UK crypto market after failing to get regulator approval](
3. BBC News – [Binance to halt UK crypto trading amid regulatory crackdown](
4. CoinDesk – [Binance Suspends UK Bank Deposits as FCA License Withdrawal Takes Effect](
5. Reuters – [Binance halts sterling withdrawals in UK](
6. CNBC – [Crypto exchange Binance suspends UK bank deposits](
7. CoinTelegraph – [Binance Suspends Deposits Made via Faster Payments in the UK](
8. The Independent – [Binance UK: Cryptocurrency exchange withdraws licence application after FCA warning](
9. Bloomberg – [Crypto Exchange Binance Withdraws License Application in the UK](
10. The Telegraph – [Binance forced to halt UK crypto trading as regulator cracks down](
Please note that these links are provided as specific references to the topic but are not endorsed by OpenAI.