Dec 26, 2022
Comments Off on The Princeton research article back in 2016 points out instability concerns for BTC in the long run as block rewards halve. How is the BTC community deciding on addressing this? I am sure this has been discussed many times, but shouldn’t hurt to recap.
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The Princeton research article back in 2016 points out instability concerns for BTC in the long run as block rewards halve. How is the BTC community deciding on addressing this? I am sure this has been discussed many times, but shouldn’t hurt to recap.

Written by pinmin

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<< Den vollständigen Artikel: The Princeton research article back in 2016 points out instability concerns for BTC in the long run as block rewards halve. How is the BTC community deciding on addressing this? I am sure this has been discussed many times, but shouldn’t hurt to recap. >> hier vollständig lesen auf

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