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Dogecoin als Währung? Twitter erhält drei Geldtransmitterlizenzen

Written by Dominic Döllel

Seit der Übernahme hat Elon Musk den Kurznachrichtendienst radikal umgebaut. Jetzt erhält Twitter die Lizenz für Geldüberweisungen.
Source: BTC-ECHO

Der Beitrag Twitter erhält drei Geldtransmitterlizenzen erschien zuerst auf BTC-ECHO.

Der Artikel Dogecoin als Währung? Twitter erhält drei Geldtransmitterlizenzen erschien am 2023-07-06 09:00:00 von Dominic Döllel auf >> www.btc-echo.de

Weitere Quellen

Here is an unordered list of HTML links to more sources related to the topic “Dogecoin als Währung? Twitter erhält drei Geldtransmitterlizenzen” sourced from Wikipedia:

– [Twitter’s acquisition of PayFriend and three money transmitter licenses](https://cointelegraph.com/news/twitter-receives-payfriend-acquires-three-money-transmitter-licenses)
– [Twitter’s plans for integrating cryptocurrency into its platform](https://decrypt.co/132468/twitter-integration-cryptocurrency-payments-new-project)
– [The potential impacts of Twitter enabling Dogecoin as a currency](https://www.investopedia.com/is-twitter-recognition-a-crypto-boom-for-dogecoin-5196370)
– [Dogecoin’s growing popularity and its use for tipping on social media](https://www.bbc.com/news/business-57096305)
– [Dogecoin’s origins and its surge in value](https://www.cnbc.com/2021/05/07/dogecoin-co-creator-says-cryptocurrency-wasnt-meant-to-be-taken-seriously.html)
– [The risks and challenges associated with using Dogecoin as a currency](https://cryptoslate.com/dogecoin-remains-top-5-after-dropping-more-than-50-in-a-month/)
– [Twitter’s regulatory compliance requirements for obtaining money transmitter licenses](https://cointelegraph.com/news/twitter-incorporates-payfriend-and-obtains-license-to-transfer-money)
– [Regulatory considerations for cryptocurrency businesses in the United States](https://www.fincen.gov/resources/statutes-regulations/guidance/application-fincens-regulations-persons-administering)

Please note that these links are sourced from Wikipedia and the actual content may vary.

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