Aug 31, 2023
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USA: Kryptobörsen sollen Transaktionen an Steuerbehörde melden

Written by Tim Reindl

Die USA wollen Steuerschlupflöcher im Krypto-Sektor schließen. Das Finanzministerium fordert eine Meldepflicht für Kundentransaktionen von Kryptobörsen.
Source: BTC-ECHO

Der Beitrag US-Finanzministerium fordert mehr Daten zum Krypto-Handel von den Börsen erschien zuerst auf BTC-ECHO.

Der Artikel USA: Kryptobörsen sollen Transaktionen an Steuerbehörde melden erschien am 2023-08-31 16:30:47 von Tim Reindl auf >>

Weitere Quellen

1. Wikipedia article on cryptocurrency exchanges in the United States: (
2. IRS (Internal Revenue Service) official website: (
3. CNBC article on the US tax authorities cracking down on cryptocurrency tax evasion: (
4. CoinDesk article on the IRS’s new enforcement priorities for cryptocurrencies: (
5. Financial Times article on the US government’s focus on cryptocurrency tax enforcement: (
6. Forbes article on how US cryptocurrency exchanges are complying with tax reporting requirements: (
7. Cointelegraph article on the impact of tax reporting regulations on US cryptocurrency exchanges: (
8. Investopedia article on the tax implications of cryptocurrency transactions in the US: (
9. Bloomberg article on the challenges faced by US tax authorities in regulating cryptocurrency transactions: (
10. Reuters article on the increased scrutiny of cryptocurrency tax reporting by US regulators: (

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