Jun 11, 2023
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21st Austria weekly – CA Immo, EVN (05/06/2023)

Written by pinmin

CA Immo: CA Immo has closed the sale of the Serbian office complex Belgrade Office Park to a domestic investor. With two buildings and an underground car park, the complex comprises approx. 27,200 sqm of total lettable space. The building, which is located close to the city center, was 97% let as of April 30, 2023, with annualized gross rental income of around €4.4m. Keegan Viscius, CIO of CA Immo: “With this sale, we are reducing our exposure to the non-core market of Belgrade and rotating our portfolio exposure to high-quality, modern office properties in our core markets.”CA Immo: weekly performance: -0.75% EVN: The European Investment Bank (EIB) has agreed to support EVN AG’s investments in wind farms with an overall capacity of 103 MW, providing 72 650 Austrian …Den vollständigen Artikel lesen …

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