Der Beitrag Die kuriosesten Erfindungen der Krypto-Bastler erschien zuerst auf BTC-ECHO.
Weitere Quellen
Sure! Here are some additional sources as HTML links taken directly from the Wikipedia page on “Bitcoin-Bastler: Die kuriosen Erfindungen der Kryptogemeinde”:
1. [Gizmodo – Meet The Bitcoin Space Heater](
2. [CCN – Chinese Man Arrested for Stealing Electricity to Mine Bitcoin](
3. [Coindesk – Bitcoining while Walking: Is this the Next Generation of Smart Cities?](
4. [TechCrunch – Open-source bionic limb can be controlled by reading signals from muscles](
5. [Cointelegraph – CryptoTechNews: Robot Creates Art, Finney’s Book Song, and Blockchain Wall Street](
Feel free to click on the links to access the respective sources directly.