Sep 19, 2023
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Bafin: Behörde fordert strenge Umsetzung von Krypto-Regulierung

Written by Johannes Macswayed

Geht es nach der deutschen Regulierungsbehörde, müsse es “auch auf Nischen-Finanzplätzen” globale Spielregeln geben.
Source: BTC-ECHO

Der Beitrag BaFin fordert strenge Umsetzung von Krypto-Regulierung erschien zuerst auf BTC-ECHO.

Der Artikel Bafin: Behörde fordert strenge Umsetzung von Krypto-Regulierung erschien am 2023-09-19 15:20:39 von Johannes Macswayed auf >>

Weitere Quellen

Here are some additional sources regarding the topic “Bafin: Behörde fordert strenge Umsetzung von Krypto-Regulierung” as HTML links from Wikipedia:

1. BaFin (Wikipedia) – Provides an overview of BaFin, the German Federal Financial Supervisory Authority.
2. Cryptocurrency (Wikipedia) – Offers information about cryptocurrencies and their characteristics.
3. BaFin Official Website (English) – Official website of BaFin where you can find further information about their regulations and policies.
4. BaFin Official Website (German) – The German version of BaFin’s official website.
5. Handelsblatt: Deutschland fordert härtere Kryptowährung-Regulierung (in German) – Article from Handelsblatt discussing Germany’s push for stricter cryptocurrency regulations.
6. Coindesk: Germany’s Bafin Asks Banks to Report Their Crypto Activities to Central Bank – Coindesk article on BaFin’s request for banks to report their crypto activities.
7. Cointelegraph: German Government Seeks New Powers to Facilitate Emerging Markets in Digital Securities – Article discussing Germany’s efforts to regulate digital securities and the involvement of BaFin.

Please note that the availability and content of these sources may change over time, as Wikipedia and other websites are subject to updates and revisions.

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BaFin · Behörde · fördert · KryptoRegulierung · strenge · Umsetzung · von
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